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Sept 24 2006:The work has finally begun today I changed the valve cover gasket. That was the majority of my oil leak. I have to change one side gasket and figure out why the tach cable is leaking at the cylinder head. I changed the seal under the cover. Finally got it to idle today as well. I engineered some bolts today to install the tail light. But it doesn't work. The brake lights do though. I think it might have something to do with the ground wire that connect to the turn signals.Off to school for the next 3 days then back on it again. This week I am going to try to get to side cover changed and the exhaust put on correctly. I will try to remember to take pics while I am doing it
October 1 2006
Well I figured out why the bike was leaking like a stuck pig. The nimrod who had it last put pods on and then proceeded to connect the crankcase vent hose back into the engine causing massive pressure. I disconnected it and now the only leak is a quater sized spot. Much better than the puddle from the first pics.
I picked up an engine from ebay from $9.99 and while I was there getting it I also lucked into some handle bars that are stock and won't kill my back like the drag bars. I also got some turn signals for the front but have yet to find mounts for them. I think I can make something that will work. he even threw in the rear footpegs which I needed so that I could get rid of those ugly ass after market crome ones that are on there. I think I might have found a stock seat as well thankf to the guys at http://cb1100f.net/index.php . They have helped me more than I can say. I hope soon to meet up with some of them who live close by.
I will be working on it tomorrow putting on the stuff I got today and promise to have new pictures up tomorrow as well.